Traditional Rattle Making Ceremony

Common Street Spiritual Center 13 Common Street, Natick

Rattles are the sound of the North in the medicine wheel. Their sound assimilate the rain therefore a good cleanser of dense energies stuck in body, mind or spaces. They ...

Move Into Self Compassion – Authentic Movement/Internal Family Systems

Common Street Spiritual Center 13 Common Street, Natick

Authentic Movement is a moving meditation, inspired by Carl Jung's practice of Active Imagination. Central to this form is the presence of the other, the witness. This non-judgmental, compassionate presence ...


Kirtan: East-West

Sanctuary at Common Street Spiritual Center 13 Common Street, Natick

Ecstatic chants in Sanskrit and English in call-and-response form will be sung by the group and accompanied by meditation and ecstatic meditative dance. All participants are invited to join in ...
