Small groups are a great way to get to know people, as you come together over several weeks to explore a specific topic together. Several members of our community are facilitating small groups this fall, which are described below. Follow the links to sign up for one that’s a good fit for your schedule and interests. The group leader will then reach out to confirm your participation, and provide any additional information needed. 

Registration closes the day before each group’s first meeting, or when the group is full (whichever comes first). 

Expressive Arts Therapy – Exploration, Activities, Discussions

Group Leaders: Jason A. Karol with Judy Thapa and Amber Joy White-Feather

Day: 4 Sundays from 1:00-3:00pm

Dates: Monthly on the last Sunday, Sept 29 – Dec 29

Where: Common Street (Choir Room)

Desired group size: 8-10

What to expect: In this group, we will explore how art can be used to better understand ourselves, others, and heal in body, mind, and spirit. We will explore sound/song bath and group singing as a form of healing, somatic movement and yoga, dance, music connection games and exercises, and have time to show and share our artistic interests and talents. Please bring your suggestions, ideas, and interests to this group. My hope is that it will be a flowing and co-creative experience.

Other Details: Please feel free to bring healthy snacks and drinks (juice/water/tea) for social snack share time at the end of each meeting.

Sign up for the Expressive Arts Therapy group

Heart-Centered Assertiveness: Discover the Gentle Power of Saying ‘No’ While Preserving The Closeness Of Your Connections

Group Leader: Jason McGarva

Day: 4 Sundays from 4:00 – 6:00 pm

Dates: Every other week, from Oct 6 – Nov 17

Where: Common Street (Moon Room)

What to expect: Have you ever wished you could speak your mind without that knot in your stomach? That’s exactly what we’ll work on together. We’ll practice expressing your needs clearly and setting kind-but-firm boundaries that feel true to you (yet still honor the connection you have with the other person).

Imagine instead, a life where you:

  • Feel a quiet confidence in every interaction
  • Enjoy rich, fulfilling family relationships free from resentment
  • Inspire your children to honor their own needs, and be true to themselves
  • Naturally grow into leadership roles at work
  • Live according to your values, free from guilt or people-pleasing behaviors

And the best part? You’ll start handling those tricky conversations with a calm confidence that might surprise you. We’ll work through real-life scenarios together, gently stretching your comfort zone as you discover your natural confidence. You’ll have friends by your side, offering support and growing alongside you.

Stop dimming your light to please others. Start illuminating the world with your authentic self. Reserve your place in our assertiveness and confidence-building dojo.

Sign up for the Heart-Centered Assertiveness group

Spiritual Growth

Group Leader: Michael Orlando

Day: 6 Mondays from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Dates: Every other week, from Sept 30 – Dec 9

Where: Common Street (Meeting Room)

Desired group size: 5-10

What to expect: Begin with a brief meditation (approx 15 min.) Each person has a turn to read a brief spiritual excerpt to the group and to share about their spiritual journey and what they’re working on currently. Questions and conversations will be welcome if invited by those sharing. Open group discussion at the end.

Sign up for the Spiritual Growth group

Deep Connection based on The Four Agreements

Group Leaders: Shannon Mincieli and Nellie Goodman

Day: 4 Thursdays from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Dates: Every other week, from Oct 3 to Nov 14 

Where: Shannon’s home in Natick

Maximum size: 8

What to expect: Deep connection. We will have four sessions and each session will focus on one of the 4 agreements from the book, The Four Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz. Participants are encouraged to read the book, but it’s not necessary. We will give a brief synopsis of each agreement prior to meeting so we can all engage in juicy discussion! 

Other details: We will have a (vegetarian) potluck snacky dinnerish type of meal at each meeting.

Sign up for the Four Agreements group

Share, discuss & explore Falling Upward by Richard Rohr

Group Leader: Dan Dangler

Day: 6 Thursdays from 7:00-9:00 p.m.

Dates: Weekly, from Oct 3 – Nov. 7

Where: Dan’s home in Wayland

Maximum size: 8

What to expect: Within a safe container, you’ll go on a 6-week heroic journey into your soul. We’ll get to know one another and explore through discussion, sharing and experiential learning, insights from the book, Falling Upward: A Spirituality for Two Halves of Life by Richard Rohr. (You’ll need to get yourself a copy, and plan to read approximately 20-30 pages each week.) The question we’ll explore: What does it mean to enter the second half? Join this group to:

  • Foster a greater awareness of your “ego” thought patterns and how they operate in your daily life.  
  • Expand your understanding of the foundational nature of mythology, psychology and spiritual truths and what is needed to move into the second half of life.  
  • Cultivate a holistic attentiveness of your inner landscape and life as a window to a universal power of presence and love.  
  • Connect and learn with others on the journey toward experiencing life in a more connected, communal, and universal way. 

Other details: The second half is not guided by age so all adults are welcome. We’ll rotate snacks each week.

Sign up for the Falling Upward group

The Menopause Journey: A Group for Women of All Ages

Group Leader: Paula Brown

Day: 7 Fridays from 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Dates: Every other week, from Sept 20 – Dec 13

Where: Paula’s home in Holliston

Desired group size: 3-8

What to expect: We’ll gather at Paula’s house for a potluck dinner and discussion about where we are on our journey, and what interventions are helping us to address the wide variety of effects that diminishing estrogen is having on our systems. This can be a tricky time of life for many, but all journeys are made better with the support of loving community.

Sign up for the Menopause Journey group

Living a Solution-Focused Lifestyle

Group Leader: DiAnna Hopper

Day: 3 Saturdays from 8:30-10:00 a.m.

Dates: Bi-weekly on Oct 5, Oct 19,and Nov 2

Where: Online (Google Meet)

Desired group size: 4-8

What to expect: We’ll start each week by listening to a 15-minute YouTube video from Abraham Hicks. Then we’ll discuss how it applies to our lives and listen to our intuition, focusing on how we can be at ease, even in challenging circumstances.

Recommended reading: Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks (full audiobook available on YouTube)

Other details: While we will mostly meet online, we can also discuss meeting once or twice in person 

Sign up for the Solution-Focused Lifestyle group

Is there a small group that YOU would like to lead in the future? Contact Anne Lafleur at to be notified when we start planning for the next round.